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Showing posts from July, 2020


#1- What is Titan (Moon) ? ๐Ÿ‘‰Titan is the largest natural satelite of the planet Neptune and the First Neptuneian moon to be discovered, The discovery was made on october 10 1846, by English astronomer willian  lassell , It is they only large moon in the  in the solar system with a retrograde orbit an orbit in the direction opposite to its planet's rotation, At 2,710 kilometres (1680 Mi) ,In diameter its seventh largest moon in the solar system with a retrograde orbit, Titan (Moon) An orbit in the direction it the only  satellite of neptune massive enough to be in  hydrostafic equilibrium and the second largest planetary moon in relation to it's primary after Eart's moon because of its retrograde orbit and composition similar to pluto Titon is thought to have  been a dwarf planet captured from the kuiper belt,  Titan moon  Titan is the sixth gravitationally rounded moon from saturn, Frequently describe as a planet -like moon,titan is ...


#1 How to build paper to paper mill ? ๐Ÿ‘‰Paper mill  playhouse for Acadmic paer's , International paper company's kraft pulp and paper mill in Georgetowr south  cardina , when built  this was the world's largest Mill, Paper  


#1-Neptune - planet:- Neptune N eptune is the eight and  farthest know planet from the sun in the solar system, In the solar system it is the fourth largest planet by diameter the  third  most- massive planet and the densest giant planet, Neptune 17 times the mass of Earth slightly more massive than its near-twin , Orientd- 165 years, Distance from sun: 4.495 billion, Surface area : 7.618 billion km Lenght of day :o d 16 h 6 m #2-Is neptune all water? Neptune is one two ice glande in the outer solar system (the other is uranus) of the planets mass is made up of the planets, massis made  up of a hot densw fluid of icv  materials water,Methane and ammonia rocky core, #3-Why is neptune blue ? why blue neptune  Its atmosphere is made of hydrogen helium and Meth en ,The methane gives neptune the same blue color as uranus, #4-What kind of planet is Neptune ? ๐Ÿ‘‰ Neptune , like Uranus is an ice giant ...


Uranus planet   Uranus is the seventh planet from the sun, The name " uranus" is a reference to the Greek god of the sky uranus, According to the Greek Mythology uranus was the  grand-father of Zenus and father of cronus, It has the third  largest planet planetary radius and fourth- largest planetary mass in the solar system, Uranus Distance from sun: 2.871 billion km Orbit period :54 years Lenght of day:- od 17h 14m Surface area: 8.083 billion km Discovered :williom herschel #1-What are  five facts about uranus ? Fact-uranus Uranus was affically discovered by sir william Herschel in 1781, Uranus turns on its oxis once every 17 hours 1 minutes, Uranus is after refered to as one' ice' giant planet, Uranus has the coldest temperatures of any planet, Uranus has 27  know moons most of which are named after literary characters  Like saturn. jupiter and Neptune Uranus is a ringed planet, #2-Can we live in Uranus ?...


1. #Saturn:- Saturn is the sixth planet from the Sun and the second largest in the solar system , After Jupiter , It is a gas giant with an average radius of about nine times that of Earth , it only has one- eight the average density of Earth ,  However with its large volume   saturn is over 95 times more massive, Saturn Orbital -period - 24 years, Distance fron sun- 1.434 billion km, Lenght of day- od 10h 92m Radius: 58,232 km The planets  most famous features is its prominent Ring system, which is  composed mostly of ice particies with a smaller amount of rocky orbits and dust ,At least 82 Moons are know to orbit saturn  of which 53 are hundreds of moonlets in its rings , Titan saturn"s largest moons and the second largest of the solar system   , it is larger than the planet mercury although less massive and is the only moon in the solar system to have a substantial atmosphere  Saturn planet Physical  ...

Mar's Planets

#1 What is Mar's planet ? Mar's is the fourth planet of the sun and the second - smallest planet in the solar system  being   only larger   than Mercury in English Mars carries the name of the Roma God of war and is after    refers  to as the "red planet , The latter refers to the effects of the mar's surface , Which gives it a reddish apperarance distinctive among the astronomical   bodies visible  to the naked eye, Mar's is a terrestrial Planet with a thin atmosphere with surface features remins can't  of the impact craters of the Moon and the valleys and polar ice caps of Earth, Mar's The days and seasons are comparble to those of Earth's because the rotational period as well as the till of  the rotational axis relative to the ecliptic planet are similar ,Mar's  is the site of olympus Mar's, The largest volcane and planet in the  solar system and of valles morineris, one of the largest canyo...


#1 What is venus know for ? ๐Ÿ‘‰Venus of the second  planet from the sun , rises in the west and sets in the east venus does not have any moons, a distination it shares only with mercury among planets in Venus #2 how can possible to Venus earth sister ? ๐Ÿ‘‰ Earth sister venus As one of the brightest objects in the sky venus has been a major fixture in human culture for as long as records have existed to Gods of many cultures and has been a prime inspirati Night venus see  Length of day :118 d 18 h 0 m orbit period :225 days  Distance from sun: 108.2 million k/m   Radius :-:6,051.8 km #3 How did venus die ? The story of venus was that of a quick death, It may have been born as ready for life as Earth was but its close proximity to #4 What are 5 facts about Venus ? A day on venus is longer the  a year Venus is hotter than mercury despite being futher way from the Unlike the other planets in our solar  system , venus spi...


#Mercury  Mercury is the smallest and inner most planet in the solar system , it orbit  round the sun takes 87.97 days, the shortest of all the planets in the solar system , It is named after the Roman deny mercury, Mercury planet The messenger of Gods, Orbital period:88 days Length of day:- 58 day 15 h 30 m Distance of sun: 57.91 million keys Radius:- 2,439.7 k/m Again mercury is the( as you know)  smallest planet in our solar system, Its just a little bigger than Earth's moon    , It is the closest planet to the sun, But its actually not the hottest, venus is hotter , Along with venus Earth and Mars , Mercury is  one of the rocky planets, It has a solid surface that is covered with ctaters, it has no atmosphere and it doesn't have any Moons , Mercury like planets spins around slowly compared Earth, so one day lasts a long time, Mercury takes 59 Earth days to Make the full rotation, A year on Mercury goes by fast because, its the...


#1 What is solar system ? The solar system is the gravitational bound system of the sun   and the objects that orbit it entire direct and indirectly the largest are the eight planets   with the remainder being smaller objects , The dwarf planets and small solar system bodies, Solar system planets Age :4.568 billion years Location : local  interstellar cloud , local bubble orion cygnus arm Milky way System mass;: 1.00014 solar masses Nearest star : proxima centauri planetary system: system(4.25 ly) #2 The solar system formed ? The solar system formed  4.6 billion years ago from the gravitational collapse of a  giant interstellar  molecular cloud , The vast majority of the system mass is in the The SUN , WITH THE MAJORITY OF THE REMAINING  MASS CONTAINED IN THE JUPITER  The four smaller inner planets  Mercury Venus Earth Mars  Every plants terrestrial ...


#1 What is planets  definition ? Ans- A planet is a large object such as , jupiter or Earth that orbits a star planets are smaller than stars and they do not produce light A star and  everythings ,  which orbit it are called a solar system, Planets  #2 What are the eight planets ? Ans -Eight planets on solar system  (click below every planets open pages and read about its ) Earth Jupiter Mercury Mars Neptune Saturn Venus Uranus  #3 What are planets made of ? Ans- Earth and the other inner planets our solar system  (Mercury, venus and Mars) are made of rock, Containg common mainerals like feidspars and metals like magnesium and aluminum so is pluto , The other planets are not solid , Jupiter for instance is made up mostly of trapped helium hydrogen and water,  #4 Is pluto a planets ? Pluto is a dwarf planet , That lies in the kupiter , Belt an area full of icy bodies and other dwarf planets out past Ne...