#1- What is Titan (Moon) ? ๐Titan is the largest natural satelite of the planet Neptune and the First Neptuneian moon to be discovered, The discovery was made on october 10 1846, by English astronomer willian lassell , It is they only large moon in the in the solar system with a retrograde orbit an orbit in the direction opposite to its planet's rotation, At 2,710 kilometres (1680 Mi) ,In diameter its seventh largest moon in the solar system with a retrograde orbit, Titan (Moon) An orbit in the direction it the only satellite of neptune massive enough to be in hydrostafic equilibrium and the second largest planetary moon in relation to it's primary after Eart's moon because of its retrograde orbit and composition similar to pluto Titon is thought to have been a dwarf planet captured from the kuiper belt, Titan moon Titan is the sixth gravitationally rounded moon from saturn, Frequently describe as a planet -like moon,titan is ...
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