Mercury is the smallest and inner most planet in the solar system, it orbit round the sun takes 87.97 days, the shortest of all the planets in the solar system, It is named after the Roman deny mercury,
Mercury planet |
The messenger of Gods,
Orbital period:88 days
Length of day:- 58 day 15 h 30 m
Distance of sun: 57.91 million keys
Radius:- 2,439.7 k/m
Again mercury is the( as you know) smallest planet in our solar system, Its just a little bigger than Earth's moon , It is the closest planet to the sun, But its actually not the hottest, venus is hotter ,
Along with venus Earth and Mars , Mercury is one of the rocky planets, It has a solid surface that is covered with ctaters, it has no atmosphere and it doesn't have any Moons , Mercury like planets spins around slowly compared Earth, so one day lasts a long time,
Mercury takes 59 Earth days to Make the full rotation, A year on Mercury goes by fast because, its the closet planet to the sun , It does not take very long to go all the way around it, Completes one revolution around the Sun in just 88 Earth days , if you lived on Mercury You have birthday three months,
A day on Mercury is not like a day here on Earth for us The sun rises and sets , Each and every day Because
Mercury has a slow spin and short year , It takes a long time for the sun to rise and set there Mercury only has one sunrise every 180 days Earth,
Eart's mercury |
#Structure and surface
- Mercury is the smallest planet in our solar system,
- Mercury is a terrestrrial planet, It is mall and rocky,
- Mercury doesn't really have on atmosphere
#Time on Mercury
- A day on mercury lasts 59 Earth day,
- A year on mercury lasts 88 Earth's day,
#1 What are five facts about Mercury ?
- Mercury does not have any Moons or rings,
- Mercury is the smallest planet
- Mercury is the closest planet ot The sun,
- Your weight on Mercury would be 38% of your weight on Earth,
- A day on the surface of Mercury lasts 176 Earth Day
#2 Why is Mercury a planet ?
Mercurial origins:Like the other planets in the solar system,Mercury was born about 4.5 billion years ago condensing from the swirlins ring of dust and gas left, Over from the sun's formation Mercury becomes what's know as a terrestrial planet with a dense metals core, a rocky montle, and a solid ,
#3 Can human live Mercury ?
Mercury extreme temperatures and lack og on atmosphere would make it very issued , It not impossible for people to live on this planet#4 What is mercury color ?
Mercury color has a dark gray, rocky a thick of dust , The surface is through to be made up igneous sllicate rocks and dust,
#5 What is special about mercury ?
Mercury is the closest planet to The sun and is also the smaller of the eight planets in our solar system,
It is gravitationally locked & this rotations is unique to the solar system,
Every seven years or so, Mercury can be seen from Earth passing across the facts of the sun,
#6 What is planet Mercury made of ?
Mercury is rocky planet, with a huge iron core , Which make up a large part of the interior , The core makes up nearly of the planet's diameter Mercury's iron core is about 70% of Mercury's to total weight making mercury the most iron- rich planet in the Solar System,
#7 Mercury temperature ?
During the day temperature Mercury's surface can reach 800 degree fahrenheit (430degree celsius),
#8 Why does Mercury get so cold ?
On its dark side, Mercury gets very cold because it has almost no atmosphere to hold, In heat and keep the surface warm,The temperature can droup down to minus 300 degrees fahrenheit, sunlight never reaches into the bottoms of some craters near mercury's poles,
#9 Can mercury support life ?
In order for life (as we know ) to exist , Mercury would need to have temperature that allow liquid water to remain on its surface for long periods of time,
#10 Is mercury brown of gray ?
Mercury :Its gray with a hint or brown , it basically has no atmosphere and we can see the rocky surface, venus :pale yellow due to a thick atmosphere that has a high content of sulfuric acids,
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