#1-What is sun write here about of sun?
The sun is the star at the center of the solar system, It is nearly perfect sphere of hot plasma . with internal convective motion hat generates a magnetic field via a dynamo process, It is by for the most important source of the energy for life on earth,
It diameter is about 1.39 million kilometers (864000 miles) or 109 times that of earth,
It mass about 330,000 times that of earth ,It accounts for about 99.80% of the total mass of the solar system, Roughly three quantities of the sun mass consists of hydrogen (~ 73%) the rest is mostly helium (~25%), with much smaller quantities of heavier elements including oxygen carbon neon and iron,
The sun is G-TYPE main sequence star (g2v) based on its spectral class, As such it is informally and not completely accurate referred to as a yellow dwarf ( its light is closer to where than yellow ), It formed approximately 4.6 billion years ago from the gravitational collapse of matter within a region og a large molecular cloud . Most of this matter gathered in the center, Whereas the rest flattened into an orbiting disk that became the solar system..
The center mass became so hot and dense that it eventually initiated nuclear fusion in its core , it is thought that almost all stars form by this process,
The sun currently fuses about 600 million tons of hydrogen into helium every second,
converting 4 million tons of matter into energy every seconds results,
Nuclear fusion use in producing energy see fusion power for other uses see fusion, nuclear fusion binding every curve
Nuclear fusion is a reaction in which two or more atomic nuclear are combined to form one or more different atomic nuclear and subatomic practices ,
The different in mass between the reactants and products is manifested as either this release or abdorption of energy ,
The sun and its atmosphere are divided into several zones and layers, The solar interior from the inside out is made of the core radlative zone and the convective zone, The solar atmosphere above that consists of the sphere chromosphere a transition region and the corona, beyond that is the solar wind on outflow gas from the corona ,The core extends from the sun's center to about a quarter og the way to its surface . Although it only makes up roughly 2 percent of the sun's volume, It is almost 15 times the density of leads and holds nearly half of the sun's mass. Next is the radiative zone. Which extends from the core to 70 percent og the way to the sun's surface making up 32 percent of the sun's volume and 48 percent of its mass light from the core gets scattered in this zone . So that a single photon often may takes a million years to pass through,
The convection zone reaches up to the sun's volume but only a little more than 2 percents of its mass. Roilling "convection cells" of gas dominates the zne ,
Two main kinds solar convection cells exist :- Granulation cells about 600 miles(1,000 k/m) wide and super granulation cells about 20.000 miles (30,000k/m) in diameter,
The convection zone reaches up to the sun's volume but only a little more than 2 percents of its mass. Roilling "convection cells" of gas dominates the zne ,
Two main kinds solar convection cells exist :- Granulation cells about 600 miles(1,000 k/m) wide and super granulation cells about 20.000 miles (30,000k/m) in diameter,
The strength of the sun's magnetic field is typically only about twice as strong as earth's field, However , it becomes highly concentrated in small areas,reaching up to 3,000 times stronger than usual. These kinks and twists in the magnetic fields develop because the sun springs more rapidly at the equator than at the higher latitudes and because the inner parts of the sun's rotate more quickly than the surface. These distortions create features ranging from sun sports to spectacular eruptions knows as flares and coronal mass ejections,
Flares are the most violent but involve extraordinary amounts of matter - a single ejection can spout roughly 20 billion tons (18 billion tons)of matter into space,
Just like most other stars ,the sun is made up mostly of hydrogen follow by helium , Nearly all there meaning matter consists of seven others elements,
oxygen , carbon neon nitrogen magnesium iron and silicon for everyone million's atoms of hydrogen in the sun,
There are see this learn about its
Helium of 98000,
oxygen of 850
carbon of 380,
Neon of 120,
Nitrogen of 110,
Magnesium of 40
iron of 35
silicon of 35
Still hydrogen is the lightest of all elements so , It only accounts of su mass , while helium makes of about 26% ,
Sunspots and solar cycles support sunspots are relatively cool dark features on the sun's surface that are often roughly circular , They energy where dense bundles of magnetic fields lines from the sun's interior break trough the surface,
NOTE:- Largest sunspot in 24 years wows scientists but also my stelight ,
Ancient cultures often modified natural rock for motions or built stone monuments to mark the motions of the sun and moon charting the seasons creating calendars and monitoring eclipse many trust the sun revoived around the earth with ancient greek scholor ptolemy formallzing the "geocentric" modle in 150 B.C Then in 1543 nicolouse copericus described a hellocentric Sun centered model of the solar system 1610 by golileo gafiler discovery jupiters moons revealed that not hesvently bodies circled the earth ,
Sun and other stars work, after early observations using rockets scientists began studying the sun from earth orbit , NASA lunched a series of eight orbiting observation know as the orbiting solar observation between 1962 and 1971,
In NASA 1990 and the Europen space agency lunched the ulysses probe to make the the first observation of its polar regions in 2004 NASA genesis spacecraft returned samples of the solar wind to earth
omne of the most important solar missions to date has been the solar and Hellosperic
#2-Who named the sun?
The Human history the sun's powerful energy has long assured , Its role as the undisputed 'STAR' of our solar system,
#2-Who named the sun?
#3 Who discovered the sun and how?
Galileo was the first to discover physical details about the individual bodies of the solar system,
discovered that the
#4 How does the sun works ?
Sun works Essentially this constant motion of high temp temperature couses a nuclear reaction , In the core of the sun hydrogen turns into helium and cases a fusion which moves to the surface sun,
Ecaping into space as electromagnetic radiation a bonding light and incredible levels of solar heat
#5 What is a sunspot ?
Sun near the core a strong magnetic field- which is force created by the sun's high core temperature and nuclear fusion - which looks like a black dot on the sun because 1000 degrees cooler than the surface temperatures,#6 What is the sun temperature ?
Sun temperature 5.778k
Sun mass = 1.999*10^30kg
Radius = 696.34o k/m
Age 4.603 billion years
Distance of earth 199.6 million#7 What is the solar system ?
Solar system is the collection of eight planets and their moons in orbit round the sun together with smaller bodies in the form of asteroids,
meteoroids and come its
Solar system assemblage consisting of the sun an average star in the Milky way galaxy
Planets 8(Mercury venus earth mars jupiter, saturn, uranus neptune)
know dwarf planets :3 (universally, accepted ceres pluto, eris)
2 more expected to be:Haumea makernake)
Nearest star: proxima centauri (4025l)
Alpha centauri (.37 ly)
Star: 1 (sun)
smallest planet (Mercury)
Nearest star: proxima centauri (4025l)
Alpha centauri (.37 ly)
Star: 1 (sun)
smallest planet (Mercury)
#8 What is the sun made ?
Natalie wolchover , like any star in its prime , The sun consists manily of the hydrogen atoms fusing two by two into helium unleashing immense, energy in process, But its sun tiny concertration oh heavier elements ,
#9 What type of star in the sun?
The sun is classified as a G-type main sequence star , or G- dwarf star or more imrecisely a yellow dwarf,Actually the- sun like other G-type stars is whits but appears yellow Through earths atmosphere ,
#10 How does the sun works ?
Essentially, this content motion of high-temperature causes a nuclear reaction , in the core of the sun hydrogen turns into hellum and causes a fusion- which moves to the surface as efectromagnetic radiation , a blinding light, and incredible levels of solar heat,
It may appear yellow orange or red but that is only because its short wave length color green , blue, violet are scattered out by the Earth's atmosphere , Much like small waves are dispersed of big ROCKS along the Shore,
#11 Why is the sun called the sun ?
The sun in particular derives from a protolndoeduropen form which is the hypothetical base-root for the Germanical sonne,#12 Why sun color is yellow?
When we see the sun at sunrise of sunset, It is low in the sky,Yellow_sun |
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