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#1 What is solar system ?

The solar system is the gravitational bound system of the sun  and the objects that orbit it entire direct and indirectly the largest are the eight planets  with the remainder being smaller objects , The dwarf planets and small solar system bodies,

Solar system planets

Age :4.568 billion years
: local  interstellar cloud , local bubble orion cygnus arm
Milky way

System mass;: 1.00014 solar masses
Nearest star : proxima centauri
planetary system: system(4.25 ly)

#2 The solar system formed ?

The solar system formed  4.6 billion years ago from the gravitational collapse of a  giant interstellar  molecular cloud , The vast majority of the system mass is in the The SUN, WITH THE MAJORITY OF THE REMAINING  MASS CONTAINED IN THE JUPITER 
The four smaller inner planets 
  1. Mercury
  2. Venus
  3. Earth
  4. Mars 
Every plants terrestrial planets being primarily composed of rock and metal,
The four outer planets  are giant planets being   subject more massive than the terrestrials 

Solar system

#3 The two largest planets 

  1. Jupiter
  2. Saturn
Both are gas giants being composed mainly of hydrogen and helium  the two outer most planets ,
Uranus and Neptune are ice giants  being composed mostly of substances with relatively high melting points (main points) compared with hydrogen and  helium called volatiles 
such as water ammonia or methane,
All eight planets have almost circular orbits that lie within a nearly flat disc called the ecliptic 

#4  What is solar contains small  planets ?

Ans- The solar system contains smaller objects , The asteroid belt which lies between the orbits or mars and jupiter mostly contains objects composed like the terrestrial planets of rock and metal beyond Neptune's orbit lie the jupiter  belt and scattered disc which are population of trans ,
Neptune's objects compsed mostly ice, And beyond them a nearly  discovered population of sednoides within these population some objects are large enough to have rounded under their own gravity though , There  is considerable debate as to how many there will prove to be such objects are categorized as dwarf planets,
Identified or accepted dwarf planets include the asteroid cers and the trans Neptunian objects pluto an fris, In the addition to These two regions various other small body population including comments centaurs and interplanetary dust cloud Freely travel betwwen regions six of the planets The six largest possible planets , and  many of the smaller bodies are orbit by natural satelites usually termed "MOON",๐ŸŒ—

#5 What is solar wind ?

The solar wind a stream to changed parts flowing outer from the SUN๐ŸŒž creates in the inter  medium know as the hellosphere The hellosphere the point as which pressure from the solar wind is  equal ,

#6 What are planets is order ?

Ans-Even science discover of pluto in 1930, kids grew up learning that the solar system has nine planets,
That all changed in the late 1990, when astronomers start was indeed a planet in a controversal decition the  international Astronomical union ultimatelly decidrd in 2006 to designate ,Pluto as a "dwarf planet"
reducing the list to the solar system's true planets to just eight,
Astronomers however are still hunting for another possible planet in our solar system 
a true ninth planet, other mathematical evidence of its existence was revealed on 

#7What are 13 planets in our solar system ?

Ans- The order of ther planets in the solar system, Starting nearesThe Sun and working outward the following Mercury saturn uranus Neptun and there the possible planet nine,It you insist on including pluto it would come ofter Neptune of the list, 

#8 What is our solar system called?

Ans-   orignal ans what is the name of solar system?
-While most science fiction colls our sun  sol and our system the sol system the international Astronomical union (iau)the body authorized international to name stellar objects ,  and ou sun, "The sun",

#9 Is our solar system called the Milky way?

Ans-All the stars we see in the night sky are in our own Milky way Galaxy, Our Galaxy is called milky way because, The appears  as a Milky band of light in the sky when you see it in a really dark area our Sun and solar system to go all way around the center of the Milky WAY,

# 10 What are the 12  planets ?

Ans-If the resolution is approved the 12 planets in our solar system listed in order og their proximity to the sun would be Mercury, venus Earth mars, cares, jupiter saturn uranus Neptune, pluto charon and the provisionlly named 2003 UB313,

#11 solar system for kids?

Ans- The solar system is made up of the sun and all of the smaller objects that move around it, a part from the sun, The largest  member  of the solar system are Eight major planets, Nearest  the sun are four small Rocky planets, Mercury , Venus, Earth And Mars 

#12 What is solar system is simple word ?

Ans- The solar system is the sun and all the objects that orbit around it, The sun orbit  by planets asteroids comets and other things , The  solar system is about4.6 billion years old , The other objects are pulled into other around the sun ๐ŸŒž, 

#13 How many solar system are there in our Galaxy? 

So for astronomers have found more than 500 solar system and or are discovered new ones Every years given new many that have found in our own Neighborhood of the Milky way Galaxy, Here ten  billions of solar system in our Galaxy .Perhaps even as many as 100 billion,

#14  what are four type of Galaxy ?

There are four type og Galaxy here:-
  1. Ellliptical
  2. spiral 
  3. barred spiral
  4. and irregular 

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What is sun?

#1- What is sun write here about of sun? The sun is the star at the center of the solar system , It is nearly  perfect sphere of hot plasma . with  internal convective motion hat generates a magnetic field via a dynamo process, It is by for the most important source of the energy for life on earth, It diameter is about 1.39 million kilometers (864000 miles) or 109 times that of earth, It mass about 330,000 times that of earth ,It accounts for about 99.80% of the total mass of the solar system, Roughly three  quantities of the sun mass consists of hydrogen (~ 73%) the rest is mostly helium (~25%), with much smaller quantities of heavier elements including  oxygen  carbon neon and iron, The sun is G-TYPE main sequence star  (g2v) based on its spectral class, As such it is informally and  not completely   accurate referred to as a yellow dwarf  ( its light is closer to  where than yellow ), It formed approximately 4.6 b...


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#1 How was the earth born ? EARTH Earth formed around 4.54 billion years ago, approximately one-third the age of the universe by accretion from the solar nebula, volconic outgassing probably created the primordial atmosphere , And then the ocean but the early atmosphere  contained almost no oxygen,  #2- What is the date of earth born ?  October 23, 4004 B.C Happy Birthday Earth  #3- How much air on the Earth ? By volume .dry air on the Earth  Contains=78.09% Nitrogen 20.5% Oxgen= 0.93% corborndioxide and small amounts of other gases , #4 How much water on the Earth ? Earth water 71% Water on the Earth  hold about 96.5% of all Earth's water , Water also exits  in the air as water vapor, #5 Why do you call earth ? The name earth derives from the eight century Anglo saxon word erdo, which means ground or soll, It because earth later and then earth in middle english ,Theses words are all cognates of jord th...