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#1 How to build paper to paper mill ?

👉Paper mill  playhouse for Acadmic paer's ,
International paper company's kraft pulp and paper mill in Georgetowr south  cardina , when built  this was the world's largest Mill,

A paper mill is a factory devoted to making paper from vegetable fibers sach as wood pulp, old rags and other ingredients, prior to the invention and adoption of the fourdrinier machine and other type of paper machine that use an endless belt, all paper in a paper mill was made by hand one sheet at a time by specialized laborers,

Paper mill  playhouse for Acadmic paer's , International paper company's kraft pulp and paper mill in Georgetowr south  cardina , when built  this was the world's largest Mill,
Paper company 

 #2 History of paper mill ?

👉Historical investigation into the origin of the paper mill are complicated by differing  definitions and loose  terminology from modern authors:- Many modern  scholars use the term to refer indiscriminate  to all kinds of mills, whether powered by humans , by animals or by water , Their propensity to refer to any ancient paper manufacturing center as a "mill"  without further specifying its exact power drive the particularly efficient and historically important water- powered type,

Human and Animal - powered mills 

The use of human and animal powered mills was know to Muslim  and chinese  pape-rmakers, However evidence for water - powered paper mills is elusive among both prior to the 11th century ,
The general absence of the use of water -powered paper mill in muslim papermaking peior to the 11 century is suggested by the habit of Muslim authors at the time to call a production center not a "mill" , but a paper manufactory,
Scholars have identified paper  mills in abbasid era baghdad in 794-795,The evidence that water-power was applied to scholarly debate, in the Moroccan city of Fez lbn Battuta speaks of "400 mill stones for paper , Since lbn battula does not mention the use of water_power and such a number of water-mills would be  grotesquely high the passage is generally taken to refer to human of  Animal force,

#Water-powered mills ?

👉Stromer's paper mill. the building complex at the far right bottom, in the Nuremberg chronicle of 1493 , Due to their noise and small , papermills were required by medieval law to be erected some distance from the city walls,,

An exhaustive survey of milling in Al-Andalus did not uncover water-powered paper mills,
nor do the spanish books of property distribution after the Christian reconquest refer to any ,Arabic texts never use the term mill in connection with papermaking , and the most thorough account of Muslim papermaking at the time,
the one by the Zirid sultan Al-Muizz ibn badis,
dscribes the art purely in terms of a handcraft , Donald hill has identified a possible reference to a water-powered paper mill in samarkand, in the 11th-century work of the persian scholar Abu Rayhan biruni, BUT concludes that the passage is "too " brief to enable us to say with certainty" that it refers to a water-powered paper mill, seen by Leor Halevi as evidence of samarkand first hernessing water-power in the  production of paper but notes that it is not  know if water-power was applied to papermaking elsewhere across the islamic  world at the time Robert Burns remains sceptical, given the isolated occurrence of the reference the the prevalence of manual  labour in islamic papermaking elsewhere prior to the 13th century,,,,,,,,

The first permanent paper mill north 

👉The first  permanent paper mill north 



What is sun?

#1- What is sun write here about of sun? The sun is the star at the center of the solar system , It is nearly  perfect sphere of hot plasma . with  internal convective motion hat generates a magnetic field via a dynamo process, It is by for the most important source of the energy for life on earth, It diameter is about 1.39 million kilometers (864000 miles) or 109 times that of earth, It mass about 330,000 times that of earth ,It accounts for about 99.80% of the total mass of the solar system, Roughly three  quantities of the sun mass consists of hydrogen (~ 73%) the rest is mostly helium (~25%), with much smaller quantities of heavier elements including  oxygen  carbon neon and iron, The sun is G-TYPE main sequence star  (g2v) based on its spectral class, As such it is informally and  not completely   accurate referred to as a yellow dwarf  ( its light is closer to  where than yellow ), It formed approximately 4.6 b...


 đź‘‰#InterviewQuestionAndAnswers First explain  here short behavioural matters  - Hear you are required to demonstrate your competencies i.e Your  knowledge  skills and abilities supported by specific examples from your past  Exprience The basic purpose is to ascertain what you have done rather than what you can do . it is belived that the past performance of an individual is a good predictor of future performance . it is a goood opportunity for you to demonstrate to your  prospective employer why you are suitable for the specific job . in  such type of questions, the interviewer wants to know what actually happened in a particulat situation and how you tackled it , Remember al though the employer asks some personal questions, they are still all related to what can you bring to the company ? Q#1. Tell me something about yourself ? Ans-👉Guideline for answer This answer should always be related to the job that you are giving  Try to intruduce s...


#1 How was the earth born ? EARTH Earth formed around 4.54 billion years ago, approximately one-third the age of the universe by accretion from the solar nebula, volconic outgassing probably created the primordial atmosphere , And then the ocean but the early atmosphere  contained almost no oxygen,  #2- What is the date of earth born ?  October 23, 4004 B.C Happy Birthday Earth  #3- How much air on the Earth ? By volume .dry air on the Earth  Contains=78.09% Nitrogen 20.5% Oxgen= 0.93% corborndioxide and small amounts of other gases , #4 How much water on the Earth ? Earth water 71% Water on the Earth  hold about 96.5% of all Earth's water , Water also exits  in the air as water vapor, #5 Why do you call earth ? The name earth derives from the eight century Anglo saxon word erdo, which means ground or soll, It because earth later and then earth in middle english ,Theses words are all cognates of jord th...