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#1 How was the earth born ?


Earth formed around 4.54 billion years ago, approximately one-third the age of the universe by accretion from the solar nebula, volconic outgassing probably created the primordial atmosphere , And then the ocean but the early atmosphere  contained almost no oxygen, 

#2- What is the date of earth born ? 

October 23, 4004 B.C Happy Birthday Earth 

#3- How much air on the Earth ?

By volume .dry air on the Earth 
Nitrogen 20.5%
Oxgen= 0.93%
corborndioxide and small amounts of other gases ,

#4 How much water on the Earth ?

71% water on the earth
Earth water

71% Water on the Earth  hold about 96.5% of all Earth's water , Water also exits 
in the air as water vapor,

#5 Why do you call earth ?

The name earth derives from the eight century Anglo saxon word erdo, which means ground or soll,
It because earth later and then earth in middle english ,Theses words are all cognates of jord the name of the giantess of norse my earth ,

# 6  knowledge  about earth ?

The earth is the only place in the know universe  cinformed to host life with a radius of 3.959 miles , Earth is the fifth largest planets in our solar system , and its the only one know for sure to have liquid water on  its surface Earth 101 Earth is the only planet know to maintain life,

  • Total surface area of the Earth  is 510,100,500 sq km out of width 
  • The Total land area is 148,950,800 sq km (29.08%of total area)
  • The total water area is 361,144700 sq km (70.92%)
  • Diameter of the earth of  equator is 12,755k/m at the poles 12,712 k/m and mean diameter is 12,734k/m 
  • Circumference of the earth equator is 40,024 k/m 
  • Equatorial radius of the is 6.377 k/m
  • The total mass of  the earth is 5.98*1024 k/g
  • Approximate age of the earth is 4,500 million years ,
  • The mean velocity of the earth its orbit (around the sun is 107.218 km/h
  • The most abundant elements of the earth are 
  • iron (about 32.5%)
  • Oxygen (29.8%)
  • Silicon (15.6%)
  • Magnesium (13.99%)

#7 Structure of earth ?

Earth is structured in three layers namely 
Core (fluid layer and inner)
Core( solid layer)

#8 Earth Facts ?

Earth is the planet from the sun and is the largest of the terrestrial planets, The earth is the only planets in our solar system not be named after a Greek or Roman deity , The earth was formed approximately 4.54 know planet to support,

Facts about the Earth 

  • This declaration is happening almost imperceptibly at approximately 17 milliseconds per hundred years although the rate at 
  • The realization that earth is a planet and a planet among many others was established gairly recently in the 17 century the realization came through by the combined forces of ancient  
  • Plato correctly deduced that the earth is spherical but this idea would take root and be proven much later,
  • The name "earth - is at leasi 1.000 years ol and d it is a germanle word which simply translates to "the ground " it is not know who came up with it but it is the only planet that wasn't named after a greek or roman god,
  • It has an equatarial radius of 6.371 k/m 3.958 mi, and a polar radius of 6.356 k/m 3.949 mi meaning , it is not completely spherical but rather budget at the equator due to rotation,Earth has a mass of about 6.6 sextillion tons and volume of about 260 billion cubic miles trillion cabic k/m
  • The surface area of earth is about 197 million square miles  510 millions sq k/m,
  • Around 71% of the surface  covered by the water and 29% by land ,
  • The water is 3% fresh and 97% salted of that 3% freshwater over 2% is frozen in ice sheets and glaciers meaning that less than 2% is freshwater found in takes rivers and the under ground,
  • The  thickness of the atmosphere is about 60 miles  96 k/m,
  • The atmosphere of earth is divided into 6 layers troposhere  stratosphere mesosphere thermosphere exosphere  and ionosphere,
  • The highest temperatures on earth can reach up to more than 110 degrees, fr 148 around-126 degrees may be ever lower,
  • Earth has the greastest density out of the planets in the solar system,
  • Together with the inner core earth also has an outer core with the crust being the mantle and the thickest layer, it is a  mixture of maten eock  about 1.800mi 2.900k/m thick and that has the consistency of caramel,

#9  What Earth distance from sun ?

Earth distance from sun  152.08 million k/m 

#10. What is earthquake explain ?

An earthquake is the result of a sudden release of stored energy in the earth's crust that creates seismic waves ,,,, At the earth's surface earthquake may manifest themselves by a shaking or displacement of the ground , Sometimes they cause tsunamis, while may lead to loss of life and destruction of property,

#11 What is type of earthquake ?

Types of earthquake & faults .There are four  different  types of earthquakes 
  1. Tectonic
  2. Volcanic
  3. Collapse
  4. Explosion 
Tectonic:- A Tectonic earthquake is occurs , when the earth's crust breaks due to geological forces on rocks and adjoining planets that cause physical and chemical changes, 

Volcanic :- A volcanic earthquake is any earthquake that result from tectonic forces which occur in conjunction with volcanic activity,

Collapse :-A collapse earthquake are small earthquake in underground caverns and mines that are caused by seismic waves produced from the explosion of rock on the surface ,

Explosion:- An explosion earthquake is an earthquake that is result of the detonation of a nuclear and or chemical device,   

#12 Whats types of faults in earthquake ?

  • Normal
  • Reverse
  • Transcurrent or strike -slip faults 

Normal:- Faults form when the hanging wall drops down ,
The forces that create normal faults are pulling the sides apart or extensional.

Reverse :Revers faults from when the hanging wall moves up , The forces when forces creates reverse faults are compressional pushing the sides together 

Transcurrent or strike slip faults -It have walls that move sideways not up or down ,

History about sun and how to born sun



What is sun?

#1- What is sun write here about of sun? The sun is the star at the center of the solar system , It is nearly  perfect sphere of hot plasma . with  internal convective motion hat generates a magnetic field via a dynamo process, It is by for the most important source of the energy for life on earth, It diameter is about 1.39 million kilometers (864000 miles) or 109 times that of earth, It mass about 330,000 times that of earth ,It accounts for about 99.80% of the total mass of the solar system, Roughly three  quantities of the sun mass consists of hydrogen (~ 73%) the rest is mostly helium (~25%), with much smaller quantities of heavier elements including  oxygen  carbon neon and iron, The sun is G-TYPE main sequence star  (g2v) based on its spectral class, As such it is informally and  not completely   accurate referred to as a yellow dwarf  ( its light is closer to  where than yellow ), It formed approximately 4.6 b...


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