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#1 What is oxygen ? 

Ans-Oxygen is the chemical element with the symbol o and atomic number  ,It is a member of the chaleogen group in the periedic table a highly reactive  nonmetal and an oxidizing agenl  that  redily forms oxide with most elements as well as with other compounds 
Symbol: 0
Atomic mass : 15.9990

#2 What is oxygen used to ?

Ans- Common uses of  oxygen include production of steel plastics and textiles brazing welding and cutting of steel and other metals rocket propellant , oxygen therapy and life support systems in aircraft  submarines spaceflight and diving ,

#3 Is oxygen a gas ?

Ans-Oxygen is an element that can be a solid, liquid gas depending on its temperature and pressure in the atmosphere it is found  as a gas Both oxygen atoms and oxygen gas are reactive substances that are essential for life on Earth,

 #4 Where is oxygen found ?

Ans-Oxygen occurs mainly as an elements in the atmosphere , it makes up 20.948 percent of the atmosphere , It also occurse in oceans takes rivers and ice caps in the  form of water, Nearly 89 percent of the weight of water is oxygen, 

#5  what  does oxygen means ?

Ans- Oxygen 1: a chemical elements that constitutes 21% of the Earth's atmosphere , that is capable of combining with all elements except  some noble gases, that is active in physiological process of almost all know organisms and the involved especially in combustion, 

#6 Do we breathe in oxygen ? 

Ans- The Role of the Respiratory system is to breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide, This is know as respiration , The cells of the body use oxygen to perform function that keep us alive, The waste product created by the cells once they have performed these functions is carbon dioxide, 

#7 What is oxygen made from ?

Ans- Oxygen can be produced from a number of materials using several different methods, The most common natural method is photo synthesis in which plants use sunlight convert carbon  dioxide in the air into oxygen, This offsets the respiration process in which animales convert oxygen in the air back into carbon dioxide, 

#8 Who named oxygen ?

Ans-In 1775-80 French chemist Antoine -Laurent Lavoiser with remarkable insight interpreted the role of oxygen in respiration as well as  combustion discarding the phlogiston theory , Which had been accepted up to that time the  noted its tendency to form acids by combining with many different substances and  accordingly, 

#9 Who invented oxygen ?

  1. Ans-  Jospn prlestley
  2. Antoine Lavoisier
  3. Caril withelm scheel 
  4. Edwin Mcmillan

#10 Is oxygen O2 or just O ?

Ans-The element is O, because the periodic table is n't describing molecules , ITS describing  atoms , The molecule is O2 because it takes  2 O atoms to make a molecule of oxygen, These types of element exists in its pure form as a molecule composed of 2 atoms of the elements , 


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What is sun?

#1- What is sun write here about of sun? The sun is the star at the center of the solar system , It is nearly  perfect sphere of hot plasma . with  internal convective motion hat generates a magnetic field via a dynamo process, It is by for the most important source of the energy for life on earth, It diameter is about 1.39 million kilometers (864000 miles) or 109 times that of earth, It mass about 330,000 times that of earth ,It accounts for about 99.80% of the total mass of the solar system, Roughly three  quantities of the sun mass consists of hydrogen (~ 73%) the rest is mostly helium (~25%), with much smaller quantities of heavier elements including  oxygen  carbon neon and iron, The sun is G-TYPE main sequence star  (g2v) based on its spectral class, As such it is informally and  not completely   accurate referred to as a yellow dwarf  ( its light is closer to  where than yellow ), It formed approximately 4.6 b...


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#1 How was the earth born ? EARTH Earth formed around 4.54 billion years ago, approximately one-third the age of the universe by accretion from the solar nebula, volconic outgassing probably created the primordial atmosphere , And then the ocean but the early atmosphere  contained almost no oxygen,  #2- What is the date of earth born ?  October 23, 4004 B.C Happy Birthday Earth  #3- How much air on the Earth ? By volume .dry air on the Earth  Contains=78.09% Nitrogen 20.5% Oxgen= 0.93% corborndioxide and small amounts of other gases , #4 How much water on the Earth ? Earth water 71% Water on the Earth  hold about 96.5% of all Earth's water , Water also exits  in the air as water vapor, #5 Why do you call earth ? The name earth derives from the eight century Anglo saxon word erdo, which means ground or soll, It because earth later and then earth in middle english ,Theses words are all cognates of jord th...